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How to Fix


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Here is the info of the contributions:




Add Bullet Images for Categories Infobox v1.2 (osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 051113)


V1.2 FIXED by Ramindiba -----dibacommerce.com

V1.1 FIXED by ICKER HANDREY [email protected]

V1.0 by Toby Adams - [email protected]



WORKS FOR osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 051113


Error in var $id FIXED

Error in comparation of in_array FIXED

Add var $cPath_array and comparation in_array with $counter

Compatible with STS V2.15




"Fresh" oscommerce installation

1. Open catalog/includes/boxes/categories.php

2. Find

for ($i=0; $i<$tree[$counter]['level']; $i++) {

$categories_string2 .= "  ";


3. Put AFTER

// BOF: Add Bullet Images v1.2 FIXED by ramindiba ----dibacommerce.com

$products_in_category = tep_count_products_in_category($counter);

if (tep_has_category_subcategories($counter)) {

if (isset($cPath_array) && in_array($counter, $cPath_array)) {

$categories_string .= '<img src="images/cat_arrow_down.gif" align="absmiddle"> ';

} else {

$categories_string .= '<img src="images/cat_arrow_right.gif" align="absmiddle"> ';


} else if ($tree[$counter]['level'] == 0 and $products_in_category >= 0) {

$categories_string .= '<img src="images/cat_arrow_right.gif" align="absmiddle"> ';

} else {

$categories_string .= '<img src="images/cat_arrow_other.gif" align="absmiddle"> ';


// EOF: Add Bullet Images v1.2




5. Copy the .gif files to the catalog/images directory




This is a very simple mod to add bullet images to the categories infobox and works for any number of nested categories. With some images which should fit in with the

base osCommerce installation.

It only requires one file to be modified but please BACK IT UP before applying this mod just

in case something does go wrong!


When i apllyed this contribution it only shows the results in some subcategories, in others the bullets don't show.

Is there a fix for this.


I just tested this again, my shop is running, Portuguese(brasilian), English and Spanish. Only in Portuguese(default language) i get this because is working in the rest of languages.


Im running Merchant v2.2 if you know the answer to this apparently simple bug send reply thanks.


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