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Paypal Standard Query


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I have installed the paypal better description addon and overall it works as it should. My only question is, how do I get ALL the items to be displayed? At the moment, it cuts off some information, so I and the Customers are unable to see all of the customers' chocolate choices on the paypal payment page! :-





Any help would be much appreciated.


Many thanks in advance.


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The updated paypal_standard.php file only lists the descriptions and attribute choices of each product(more than the basic file) but it looks like your attributes are not set correctly as ALL of the choices are displayed. It should list the items in paypal like this:


Own Indulgence Bag x 1 4.19 1 4.19

Choice D: Orange Cream


Own Indulgence Bag x 1 4.19 1 4.19

Choice B: Cherry Brandy Cream

Item Total: 8.38

Postage & Packing: 1.41


etc etc


PayPal only assigns a limited amount of space for product descriptions and attributes so ensure you have them set up correctly.




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Thank you for that information. Would you have any suggestions as to how I can display the attributes properly? Customers need to be able to choose their required choice (ie box of 6 chocolates - customers will need to pick from a selection of lets say 20) Hence why there are so many attributes displayed in Paypal. The most a customer would need to choose from is a 12 box - so 12 attributes need to be displayed. Setting up the choices as attributes was the most logical choice to do this. Is there another way I should be, or could be doing this?


Many thanks in advance.

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