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Google checkout for oscommerce-2.2rc2a


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I have oscommerce-2.2rc2a on my website (http://ancestralbooks.com/catalog/index.php) and would like to add google checkout but there are so many out there that, I am a little confused on which one I should use, if anyone could point me in the right add-on to use for version oscommerce-2.2rc2a for google checkout integration, I would realy appreciate it.


Thank you.

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I have oscommerce-2.2rc2a on my website (http://ancestralbooks.com/catalog/index.php) and would like to add google checkout but there are so many out there that, I am a little confused on which one I should use, if anyone could point me in the right add-on to use for version oscommerce-2.2rc2a for google checkout integration, I would realy appreciate it.


Thank you.


Can someone please help.

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I have oscommerce-2.2rc2a on my website (http://ancestralbooks.com/catalog/index.php) and would like to add google checkout but there are so many out there that, I am a little confused on which one I should use, if anyone could point me in the right add-on to use for version oscommerce-2.2rc2a for google checkout integration, I would realy appreciate it.


Thank you.


Try this.



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