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Parse error


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1) Do yourself a favor and get an actual editor(editplus). Trying to edit these files in notepad will be a killer.


2) ALWAYS make a back up of the file you are going to edit, BEFORE you make any edits to it.


3) PHP is unforgiving of syntax errors. Make sure you don't change the syntax when editing files unless instructed to do so.


4) You can replace your file to the original by uploading it from the OSC zip you downloaded during the install.





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Boy are you a life saver. Got the original file back. What is a syntax? Just for my reference.

Will HTML Toolkit work? Or is EditPlus better.

Thanks, Chris



Personally I use Crimson Editor. It's free. You can use your search engine of choice to find a download.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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There are many editors, some free, some shareware, some freeware......as long as they work.


You can use other editors, just ensure they do not add formatting code when editing files. This will really mess things up.




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