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Help please Database Change


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I have attempted to change the qty (products_quantity integer (2) to products_quantity decimal (5,2))to accept decimal and it is not updating.


I wish to allow customers to order part quantities of products divisible by 100. Eg. 9.37. Product price is whole ($1.00). Allowing them to order into the thousand eg 1037.25



Is this the right field I am attempting to update?

Is there a conflict with other fields I should be updating also.

Will this affect any calculations and how can I overcome this.

Or is there a contribution I haven't seen that can do this?


Thanks for wonderful advise in advance.



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I would go a different way


Lets say I want to display a price per Kg (=1000EUR) but I want to let customers to order parts of it (ie per 1 gr)


I would do following

1) Set the price for the item for the smallest quantity unit I want to sell (1gr = 1eur)

2) Make all my prices to display my unit price x 1000, so I have everywhere the kg price displayed

3) Write beside the add to cart button "how many gr you want" ?


So I don't need to mess up with anything else

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Thanks for that. Thought of doing it this way also however when I try to increase the integer value to eg (5) it also does not accept it. That is why I ask about the co dependencies.


So I thought that if I am having to adjust more than one due to the its dependancies I may as well try doing it this way.


But thank you. No one else seems to know as this is my third attempt at listing a question for help, so I do appreciate your input.




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