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changing colors


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I've searched on the internet to solve my problem, however I've found nothing.


I've installed a template and I tried to change the backgroundcolor of the template, this by editing stylesheet.css in admin/includes.


When I changed the colorcode under 'body' I've saved the file and refreshed the website page. The problem is that nothing did change.


I've changed the colorcode in the following line:


/* page */

body { background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000; margin: 0px; }

.headerBar { background-color: #B3BAC5; }

.headerBarContent { font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold; padding: 2px; }

.columnLeft { background-color: #F0F1F1; border-color: #999999; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; padding: 2px; }

.pageHeading { font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; color: #727272; font-weight: bold; }



So, can somebody help me with this problem?

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Hi Jan,



There are atleast TWO stylesheet.css files. Usually one for the admin and one for the catalog. Make sure you are editing the correct stylesheet when you make changes. Also hold ctrl and push F5 to 'hard' refresh the page, layout and colors are cached so your browser will not update them automatically.


IF that fails, you will have to seek support from your template provider as most templates utilized.....ummm, unique, yes that the word UNIQUE coding styles and sometimes don't conform to standard OSC structure.



Welcome to the forums.




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Hi Jan,



There are atleast TWO stylesheet.css files. Usually one for the admin and one for the catalog. Make sure you are editing the correct stylesheet when you make changes. Also hold ctrl and push F5 to 'hard' refresh the page, layout and colors are cached so your browser will not update them automatically.


IF that fails, you will have to seek support from your template provider as most templates utilized.....ummm, unique, yes that the word UNIQUE coding styles and sometimes don't conform to standard OSC structure.



Welcome to the forums.




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I've read somewhere that I had the wrong stylesheet.css, as it is located in the admin/includes.


So it is mentioned that there is a second stylesheet.css. Can that be style.css? If that is so, where exactly can I change the backgroundcolor in this file?

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I've read somewhere that I had the wrong stylesheet.css, as it is located in the admin/includes.


So it is mentioned that there is a second stylesheet.css. Can that be style.css? If that is so, where exactly can I change the backgroundcolor in this file?

It can be style.css or hello.css, it just needs to and with .css. There you go and change the BODY or body background color. You can ask also the template seller about where your stylesheet is

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