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Chaning Product Name+ to Product Name?


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How do I remove the "+" symbol that appears after Product Name in the default.php product listing and the advanced_search_result.php listings?


I want to change Product Name+ to just Product Name...


Must be late because I found the variable in the language file for Product Name, and the place where it gets called, but can't find the "+" symbol. Help!

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The '+' symbol is for your product listing sort order. By default, the sort order of your products is by name in ascending order. If you click on the heading listing "products name", you will see that the "+" becomes a "-". Now the listing is by product name, in descending order.


Clicking the other rows respectively will move the +/- to that column, and serves purely as an indicator of the current sort criteria, and order.


As default, this isnt very clear, but still somewhat obvious. In my current project i have modified this so that the +/- isnt part of the hyperlink, and is also in a different colour, to avoid confusion.

Regards, Jay.

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Never mind: I found it. For any future readers of this thread:


This is controlled in the tep_create_sort_heading function located in /includes/functions/general.php


I am going to implement some more intuitive up-down arrows for this function when I have a chance and will add a contrib when finished.

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Okay, I created some nice transparent up and down arrows and uploaded a contribution for anybody who wants to replace the +/- symbols with something much more intuitive:




This is my first so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to announce it the contribution forum or if this is good enough, so for now I'll just post here and call it good. [/url]

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