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Several mysql errors in admin/main site


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I have been receiving errors on my site over the past couple of days which have just started appearing from nowhere. The problem started when I tried to add a new product to the site. When I filled out the information, and clicked updated, I got these errors:


Warning: reset() [function.reset]: Passed variable is not an array or object

in /home/users/uks59282/html/onestopfestival.com/admin/includes/classes/object_info.php on line 17


Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object

in /home/users/uks59282/html/onestopfestival.com/admin/includes/classes/object_info.php on line 18


I done a bit more investigation on the site and tried to add a new category - it added it but the name was blank. I went into the main site and logged in as a customer, added an item and tried to update the basket - it wouldn't update. I then tried to add another item, which it wouldn't. I checked the object_info.php file and that never told you much.


I have just updated the site to have a SSL certificate on it, and it appears to have stopped working then, but cannot be certain.


I have looked at various posts and they don't pinpoint a solution - some have problems with customers, some with other parts of the site. Has anyone got an idea of how to get round this - it is really affecting the running of the site, so any help whatsoever would be very much appreciated.


Thanks in advance



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