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Under attack - is my database ok?


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got a shock when I saw this in who's online:


	/index.php?cPath=31%20and%20(select%20char_length(version())%20%20)=32%20and%201=1 	/index.php?cPath=31%20and%201=2%20union%20select%200x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615 


And there were a lot more entries than that. What are they trying to do though? Security Pro is sanitizing this isn't it? Or should I be worried? IP trap is going on my priority list and I think it's the only thing I haven't implemented from the stickied security topic.

I'm feeling lucky today......maybe someone will answer my post!

I do try and answer a simple post when I can just to give something back.


PM me? - I'm not for hire

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got a shock when I saw this in who's online:


	/index.php?cPath=31%20and%20(select%20char_length(version())%20%20)=32%20and%201=1 	/index.php?cPath=31%20and%201=2%20union%20select%200x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615e5e5e,0x5e5e5e6161615 


And there were a lot more entries than that. What are they trying to do though? Security Pro is sanitizing this isn't it? Or should I be worried? IP trap is going on my priority list and I think it's the only thing I haven't implemented from the stickied security topic.


Every one of those injection attacks uses illegal characters that would be stripped by security pro.

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Every one of those injection attacks uses illegal characters that would be stripped by security pro.


ok, well I sure am glad you made such a fantastic mod and that I installed it ages ago! I haven't had a single problem with it at all.....


Thanks Rob. :D

I'm feeling lucky today......maybe someone will answer my post!

I do try and answer a simple post when I can just to give something back.


PM me? - I'm not for hire

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