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The e-commerce.

Join Beta Program - Business Intelligence for osCommerce


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I'm currently working on a reporting solution for the osCommerce platform. Many of the current reporting add-ins are challenging to install and some (including Google Analytics) require a high level of technical expertise to setup (and even then can present issues).

The solution we have in development will initially deliver reports monthly to your inbox in PDF format. We can slice and dice the data to perform more sophisticated analysis (e.g. Which 20% of your products are producing 80% of your revenue? Which products experience seasonal sales or are shipped to a specific geography? Which products typically sell together with other products?) We are focusing these reports on information that will help run your business, versus simply calculating the number of page visits and total revenue generated etc.


In future developments this solution will be provided in the browser with real-time access to your ecommerce metrics - click to drill down - all that great functionality. We are leveraging an industry-leading business intelligence tool to deliver this.


We are looking for store owners interested in participating in the beta/prototyping stages - providing data to generate metrics and feedback on the overall product design.


Please direct message me through the forum community to learn more - I'm happy to discuss and provide more details.

Hope to hear from you :)

Thank you.

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