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The e-commerce.

Displaying "non-sale" prices with mark out


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Hello all.


I am using a "template" which has served me well...however I am now having a sale on the site and have discovered that the "Product Category" section only shows the Non-Sale price. So in other words, if I marked down a $30.00 item to $20.00, when a cutomer is trolling a certain category, he sees the $30.00 mark. The only time he sees the sale price is if he accesses the single product.


Now if I remember correctly, OSCommerce defaults so that the user, when selecting a sub-category, sees the regular price with it marked out and then sees the sale price. Can someone point me to the file that is used to point to the sub-category and then tell me what code I am missing.


Any assistance would be very much appreciated!






PS - Is OSCommerce 3.0 ever leaving Alpha?

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