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Using PHPList? Questions


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I just finished installing PHPList and just started reading the documentation to get a feeling for the basics, etc. I have a few questions though:


-I want to get a feel for the program and want to start by entering a message to send as a test. I see that it has a nice editor and I can also view the source HTML but are most people using this to create messages? Shoudl I use some other HTML editor such as Dreamweaver or even creating a document in Word and saving as HTML?


-I plan to send a weekly email from my ecommerce website. If I'm correct the best way to do this is to create a Template since this is a weekly newsletter and on a weekly basis modify the content. Is this correct?


-Can I schedule a message to be sent weekly or do I just create a new one each week?


-The newsletter that I'm sending will be a newsletter mentioning any news such as upcoming products, sales, store changes and other news but I also want for it to mention products added in the last week.

I have an RSS feed that is created by my store and in reading about the program initially it mentioned how you can add RSS feeds to email but I have not seen this in the documentation. Is it possible to set it up that weekly it would look for changes in my RSS feed (new products) and list it in the email or would I have to do this manually?


-Documentation: I have been looking at the documentation on the PHPList website but I prefer to read in paper form. is there a way to print it out as a book instead of printing out by each link? Also, is there any documentation on other websites that I should look at or even videos or other learning tools?


Thank you for your help with the above questions.

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