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The e-commerce.

Credit card offline payment


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Hi all,


I have just installed the Os Commerce software and it looks the goods!


I'm going to host a shop online for a business that has a shop they run with a store front.


I need a payment mod that simply emails them the Credit Card details. I don't want to store the information on my database.... I don't want to verify card details etc. I just want to catch the information submitted.


Is there a safe option that allows this?




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Hi all,


I have just installed the Os Commerce software and it looks the goods!


I'm going to host a shop online for a business that has a shop they run with a store front.


I need a payment mod that simply emails them the Credit Card details. I don't want to store the information on my database.... I don't want to verify card details etc. I just want to catch the information submitted.


Is there a safe option that allows this?




If your site processes or stores CC info you'd better be PCI Compliant ( <= it's a link, click it to read more).


If you violate the PCI mandates and are caught fines can run in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and you can be banned from getting a merchant account for life...


And I'd bet that emailing CC info is on their list of "no no's".


And if they read their merchant account agreement with the bank/credit card company closely they'll probably find that gathering CC info on a web site then processing it manually is a big fat "no no" as well.

Edited by germ

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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Whats the difference between that and completing an order over the phone? The shop in this instance does phone orders regularly.....???? I don't see any difference...


I don't want access to credit card details. I just want the software to email the shop the order and the CC details so that they can process it...


Is this illegal?



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Whats the difference between that and completing an order over the phone? The shop in this instance does phone orders regularly.....???? I don't see any difference...


I don't want access to credit card details. I just want the software to email the shop the order and the CC details so that they can process it...


Is this illegal?



Pretty much.


That's why you can't find an addon that does this, because it's something you aren't supposed to be doing.


Email is about as secure as a screendoor on a submarine.


Would you want YOUR CC info bouncing around cyberspace in an email?



I sure as hell wouldn't.


My Mama didn't raise no fool.



Have the store owner read their merchant account agreement.


I'm still betting that if the do they'll find that collecting CC info online and processing it manually is something they would regret if caught.


Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


"Given enough impetus a parallelogramatically shaped projectile can egress a circular orifice."

- Me -


"Headers already sent" - The definitive help


"Cannot redeclare ..." - How to find/fix it


SSL Implementation Help


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Whats the difference between that and completing an order over the phone? The shop in this instance does phone orders regularly.....???? I don't see any difference...


I don't want access to credit card details. I just want the software to email the shop the order and the CC details so that they can process it...


Is this illegal?




Huge difference.


I hate phone orders as I don't trust human on the other end of the phone, as I have seen a few of articles that call centres sells illegally the cc details!!!!

Please read this line: Do you want to find all the answers to your questions? click here. As for contribution database it's located here!

8 people out of 10 don't bother to read installation manuals. I can recommend: if you can't read the installation manual, don't bother to install any contribution yourself.

Before installing contribution or editing/updating/deleting any files, do the full backup, it will save to you & everyone here on the forum time to fix your issues.

Any issues with oscommerce, I am here to help you.

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Whats the difference between that and completing an order over the phone? The shop in this instance does phone orders regularly.....???? I don't see any difference...


I don't want access to credit card details. I just want the software to email the shop the order and the CC details so that they can process it...


Is this illegal?




Ordering by phone is not a problem, many stores do it. There is of course a level of trust, many people are unwilling to do so but frankly it's no different that giving your CC card to pay at a restaurant etc. The site can process cards offline (I am assuming they have a card swipe or whatever that thing is called). However they must have a secure certificate and a secure gateway to collect the CC number, they would then view that info on the secure (admin) side of the site, not email the number. They can choose not to process the order live but I believe it may for instance validate the card number and perhaps pre-auth the charge. There is no getting around the secure apparatus for online CC card sales even if the card is charged offline later. If they do not want to pay for all that, then have a third party like PayPal handle the payment or make orders payable by check, money order, C.O.D., etc. The company I work for processes cards offline but we have SSL for each webstore and a gateway for handling the transaction. Even if what you are thinking of doing is not illegal, it is extremely foolish and IMHO unethical.

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