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checkout_shipping.php modification needed (help needed)


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hopefully someone can help me out.


If a cusomter buys <6 items then they are displayed an error (this works fine)


I need this to only happen on a certain category (cards)


This is a bit of my checkout_shipping.php file


if ($cart->count_contents() < 6) {


I need to change this slightly so that it will only process that if statment if the contents of the cart are in a certain category. some pesudo code:


if ($cart->count_contents() < 6 && $cat="cards") {


If the items are not in the cards category then the user is allowed to buy only one if they want so i would need the following php right below the <6 one.


if ($cart->count_contents() < 1  && $cat="posters") {


I would also need an if statement incase the user buys 1 card and one poster as this is not allowed, if a poster is bought and one card is added then the user must buy another 5 cards.


Am I going about this the correct way?, or is there is better way to be doing this




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