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KissER Error Handling & Debugging [contribution]

FWR Media

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Thanks for the reply. Confirms that sighting on my install isn't working right. I have magic SEO URLs installed but I don't see why that would be causing the issue. I will go through the install instructions carefully and try and find what I missed.


Thanks again.


KissER is very simplistic in its operation.


It is run near the very top of the osCommerce bootstrap ( includes/application_top.php ) it therefore MUST run if it is installed.


If you don't see output then either it is not set to display the errors or CSS is preventing the view.

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KissER is very simplistic in its operation.


It is run near the very top of the osCommerce bootstrap ( includes/application_top.php ) it therefore MUST run if it is installed.


If you don't see output then either it is not set to display the errors or CSS is preventing the view.


thanks for the reply. Weird thing is I do see the output on the index/homepage, these are the queries summary:


Total Queries: 48

Slowest Query Number 25

Time: 0.0181 Seconds.

Total query Time 0.0643 Seconds.


But when I try and view the output on a subcategory page or product_info page the page loads, but without debug output below the footer. If its ccs preventing display wouldn't that stop it from working on all pages, and not just subcategory and product_info pages? which is what is happening on my site.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there


Got this installed lots of errors to fix but maybe you can help with this one


Error Type: [E_STRICT] strtotime() [<a href='function.strtotime'>function.strtotime</a>]: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Europe/Berlin' for 'CEST/2.0/DST' instead
On line 314
File includes/modules/ultimate_seo_urls5/main/usu5.php


How do i fix this or can you point me in the right direction thanks

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Robert, hope you are all well.


I have installed your contribution on the admin side as well, and have:


MySQL connection: uf8_general_ci and MySQL character set: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

But when I retrieve configuration data, they are still in ASCII.


So I took a dive into admin/configuration and found a call to your function tep_db_query in the database.php


In the call I found this line:


$result = mysql_query($query, $$link) or tep_db_error($query, mysql_errno(), mysql_error());


My connection to the db is done like so:

if ((function_exists('mysql_set_charset')) && (mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query('SELECT VERSION()')) >= "5.0.7" )) {
//This requires MySQL 5.0.7 or later and php 5.2.3 or later
} else {
//mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8",$$link);
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'",$$link);


Now the configuration.php is using the function tep_db_query to update the configuration data, so this line should be changed, or?


$result = mysql_query($query, $$link) or tep_db_error($query, mysql_errno(), mysql_error());


If so, into what?


I have tried to fix this for ages, no succes.


Thanks a lot for your "must have" contribtions, couldn't do without them!





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  • 11 months later...

Thanks for the great addon first of all.

Everything works well and as described in your instructions.

I have a question which is probably a stupid one but anyway: I was trying to call the errors folder from the browser to check that it would be blocked and was expecting a 403 Access Forbidden error, instead I got a 500 internal server error.

Is that normal?

~ Don't mistake my kindness for weakness ~

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php_value engine off from .htaccess


[edit]and thanks for the kind words[/edit]

Edited by FWR Media
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I am a completely fresh developer, just learning some basic HTML recently. This was the best contribution I have used, and easiest to install. I wish I used this first, as it seems I have a lot of issues with my other contribs.


This is wonderful, and where do I send my donations?

Just a note, because I was looking and there was no immediate answer; I have come across a solution for any "'PHP_constant' already defined in PHP".

Go to the line the debugger states and add "if(!defined('constant_name'))" in front of the original "define('constant_name')" statement. I am assuming I will eventually be adding this to all define statements as they show up in the debugger, but as of now, I am only doing the ones stated!

Thanks again for a great contributions, and, though most people don't say it, GREAT installation instructions.

Is there a way I can watch a certain developer here on the forum, such as "Follow FWR Media" activity?

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Thanks for the kind words, glad it has helped you, always nice to hear these stories it makes it worthwhile.


The other thing that makes it worthwhile/possible is donations, usually my contribs have a donate button but I forgot with that one.

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What else have you developed, other than the contributions listed in your signature? I feel you are a good developer, and I am in the process of installing all your contributions for my store, and the other servers/stores that I manage!

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Not sure what you mean .. the majority of PHP development I do is commercial.


The one's in my sig are the one's to use, older stuff is not of the same quality.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @@FWR Media


I've installed the contribution. My shop is 2.3.2 running on PHP 5.3 (single php.ini). I ran the Query output and results:

Total Queries: 106

Slowest query number: 8

time: 0.004 seconds


E_NOTICE Error Count: 98


Was hoping setting the Error_Output to File it would hide the PHP Notices showing at the top of my shop, but it did not. So it must be something else - any ideas?


Thanks in advance,


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Well it would if yours was standard osCommerce but it's not. It's the includes/modules/config/cart.php that seems to be reporting.


I would guess that either this file is run before the KissER code or it is resetting the error handling

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Well it would if yours was standard osCommerce but it's not. It's the includes/modules/config/cart.php that seems to be reporting.


I would guess that either this file is run before the KissER code or it is resetting the error handling


Yes I think this template is causing my problems it's such a pain. I added

// Report all errors except E_NOTICE
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

to that file and also cleared the error_log in az_template/includes/modules/config/config. Seemed to correct, but i will need to research why this keeps happening.


Thank you.

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// Report all errors except E_NOTICE
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

to that file and also cleared the error_log in az_template/includes/modules/config/config. Seemed to correct, but i will need to research why this keeps happening.


Thank you.


Ok but please don't think " my site is fine" because you have suppressed the errors .. your site is broken .. it has 98 errors which need to be fixed.

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Ok but please don't think " my site is fine" because you have suppressed the errors .. your site is broken .. it has 98 errors which need to be fixed.


Absolutely not. It's really annoying that these 98 notices are showing up and majority are related to files in my template directory.

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can any one help with going over some errors to see if they can be fixed by myself or if they are normal errors.




for example

Error: Constant FILENAME_ABOUT_US already defined

File: includes/filenames.php

Line: 71

Error: Undefined variable: start_time

File: includes/functions/database.php

Line: 54


File: includes/functions/database.php

Line: 62

Error: Use of undefined constant DISPLAY_QUERIES - assumed 'DISPLAY_QUERIES'

File: includes/functions/database.php

Line: 78

Error: Use of undefined constant DISPLAY_PAGE_PARSE_TIME - assumed 'DISPLAY_PAGE_PARSE_TIME'

File: includes/functions/database.php

Line: 78

Edited by mafiouso
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includes/functions/database looks as if it has been incorrectly edited or otherwise broken.


I would refactor the complete function from a fresh up to date copy of osCommerce then reapply the KissER code.

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hi thanks for the reply,

that is only a snip of the code.


so do you mean there is code in the file that is bad?





includes/functions/database looks as if it has been incorrectly edited or otherwise broken.


I would refactor the complete function from a fresh up to date copy of osCommerce then reapply the KissER code.

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Hi Robert, hopefully you will see this.


Yesterday I tweaked the admin, moved to use template_top.php and _bottom.php.

It all went well apart from this:


Undefined offset: 8192 in xxxx/admin/includes/kiss_error_handler.php on line 183


Which is the third line in:


   private static function registryAttach( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline ) {
  isset( self::$registry['errors'][$errno] ) ? null : self::$registry['errors'][$errno] = array();
  self::$registry['errors'][$errno][] = array( 'type'   => self::$error_types[$errno],
											   'string' => $errstr,
											   'file'   => $errfile,
											   'line'   => $errline );
   } // end method


How do I handle it?


Kind regards and many thanks



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That doesn't make sense, also line 183 is the end of the method not the line you are saying .. the file sounds modified.


Also 8192 errors!!!! perhaps it didn't go as well as you think.

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@@FWR Media

Hi Robert. Yes, it's horrible... :)

I have tracked down where it comes from. The errorstack is simply overflowed, and that is caused by an addon "total_configuration.php"


It repeats things like this:


Error Type: [E_NOTICE] Constant TEXT_CONFIGURATION_KEY already defined

On line 99

File includes/languages/svenska/total_configuration.php


And doing so for every constant! :(


The number of errors is explained by me reloding the page with that addon, while editing the css and testing the outcom.


It's a pitty that the total_configuration.php behave like this. And me not being able to fix it... :(


So I am left with either remove it or clear the error reports after uisng it. (A bad option, I think).


Thanks Robert,



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@@FWR Media

So I am left with either remove it or clear the error reports after uisng it. (A bad option, I think).


You are entirely correct .. a very bad option .. code with errors should be made error free or removed . . any other option is folly.

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