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The e-commerce.

I Can't Insall OSCommerce


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Sorry guys/girls, i am sooooo new to this that it may seem very trivial to you, but it is really frusterating me!!!! I can't even install os commerce. i have tryed all the steps here, but nothing works. what am i doing wrong? any suggestions would be WONDERFUL!!!!

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SO you have:


1) downloaded V2.2 RC2a and unzipped it onto your pc


2) you have logged into your cpanel and created a 'blank' database (recorded the database info for use during install)


3) you have FTP all the oscommerce files in the proper folders onto your host


4) you have run the install by typing www.yourdomain.com/catalog/install and have followed all the instructions about entering database information and passwords


5) you have set the permissions on configure.php and removed the install directory



so, what exactly doesn't install ?




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chris, i have done all of the steps you have outlined, but when i get to step 4, i get "page not found". so i never get to the install oscommerce.


So most possible is that you didn't upload osCommerce to mydomain.com/catalog thats why there is nothing in mydomain.com/catalog/install


Is it possible that you uploaded just the CONTENTS of the catalog folder to your server? Then you need to go to mydomain.com/install


Is it possible that you upladed to a folder named /store/ or whatever? Then you need to type mydomain.com/store/install or mydomain.com/store/catalog/install.


The best is you check in your hosts cpanel to see where exactly the /install/ folder is located

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