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I can't delete old files?


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I deleted my old commerce store and now I can't reinstall OSC because there are conflicting file names and Ive deleted them and they just come right back? and I even tried deleting the directory but the file is still there so I can't use that directory now... So any reason why I can't get Reid of these files?

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Did you use Fantastico to install the old store? If you did, you can't simply delete the osC files and be ready to install a new one. Fantastico stores information about an application it installs all over the place. It's best to use Fantastico to remove the application, but if you do it yourself, be sure to find all the stray directories and such that Fantastico hides information in. I don't think it keeps a database, but it does have a number of its own directories where it hides files.


If this isn't the case, you're obviously doing something wrong if you "delete files and they come right back". What are you using to delete files? If you use a command line access (e.g., SSH) or your host's control panel, you shouldn't have any trouble, unless someone made all your files "read-only". If you're trying to delete files via an FTP client, do you have normal permissions on your files and directories so that can be done? Maybe your files and/or directories are not writable by an FTP client.

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Did you use Fantastico to install the old store? If you did, you can't simply delete the osC files and be ready to install a new one. Fantastico stores information about an application it installs all over the place. It's best to use Fantastico to remove the application, but if you do it yourself, be sure to find all the stray directories and such that Fantastico hides information in. I don't think it keeps a database, but it does have a number of its own directories where it hides files.


If this isn't the case, you're obviously doing something wrong if you "delete files and they come right back". What are you using to delete files? If you use a command line access (e.g., SSH) or your host's control panel, you shouldn't have any trouble, unless someone made all your files "read-only". If you're trying to delete files via an FTP client, do you have normal permissions on your files and directories so that can be done? Maybe your files and/or directories are not writable by an FTP client.


I did delete it with fantastico and it doesn't delete everything I guess...Ive tried deleting files from FTP but they come back instantly.

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If you're using FTP and "files come back instantly", either you're not using FTP correctly, or your file permissions are incorrect. The files and directories need to be writable by FTP. If FTP is running as "you" (owner), 644/755 permissions should be OK. However, if FTP is running in your group or as a random user, those usual permissions would be "read only". You need to talk with your host about how to properly use FTP, or maybe they have a problem with their end of it (the FTP daemon). You'll need to tell them which FTP client you're using, in case they know of any specific problems with that one.

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