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Products off site still in cart?


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I know there was a thread on this issue I remember seeing it before and I have searched the forums but still can not find it. There is a bug in oscommerce that allows products that were taken off the site to remain in users shopping carts. Goes like this, customer puts product in their cart and leaves for a few days.. in the meantime the product has been sold and taken off the site from green to red. The product still remains in customers shopping cart and they return after a few days and complete checkout of the out of stock item.


When you mark an item from green to red there should be a solution to remove it from all customers shopping carts. There should also be a solution like this when removing attributes from items, for instance if you have small, medium, large t shirts and you run out of one of the attributes and remove it from the site it removes that product from users carts. Any help appreciated.

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The thing is I am continuously adding and taking products off the site on a daily basis, it is a lot of trouble to manually take something out of all the customers carts through phpmyadmin. I know there was a post on the forums about this problem and the php code fix was posted but I can't find it. Any help appreciated.

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