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Problem with More_Categories_1 Addon


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I downloaded the More Categories Addon for our shop, as this would be perfect for what we need it for... I have amended all the files necessary and added the additional files where needed, as it states. The problem is the SQL Files.... I have uploaded the more_categories.sql without any problems, but the following error is displayed when I then upload the following SQL file - more_categories-50.sql.




SQL query:


INSERT INTO `configuration_group` ( `configuration_group_id` , `configuration_group_title` , `configuration_group_description` , `sort_order` , `visible` )


'8675309', 'More Categories', 'More Category Boxes options', '20', '1'



MySQL said: Documentation

#1062 - Duplicate entry '8675309' for key 'PRIMARY'




I am assuming the following error I receive in the Admin Section has something to do the SQL failure?


1146 - Table 'www2goo_osc1.categories_more_languages' doesn't exist

select * from categories_more, categories_more_languages where enabled = 1 and languages_id = '1' and box_id_language= '1'




Any help on this would be much appreciated.


Many thanks. Kerry

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run the SQL again changing the 8675309 to something else. I can't imagine another entry has been made with that primary key, but obviously it has.



The admin error is because of the missing tables.





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run the SQL again changing the 8675309 to something else. I can't imagine another entry has been made with that primary key, but obviously it has.



The admin error is because of the missing tables.







Thanks Chris, both SQL have now been uploaded successfully.... That definately worked.... Only there is still a problem within the Admin Section. This error is displayed:-

1146 - Table 'www2goo_osc1.categories_more_languages' doesn't exist

select * from categories_more, categories_more_languages where enabled = 1 and languages_id = '1' and box_id_language= '1'



There were only 2 SQL files to upload, more_categories and more_categories-50... Am I to assume that there should have been 3? one for the categories_more_languages?


Many thanks in advance.


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Actually...............you are only suppose to use ONE of those SQL queries depending on WHICH of the two included versions of the contribution you used. There is the regular More Categories and the 50 More Categories. The later ads 50 category columns to your SQL database the first only adds 10.


I would revert to your SQL backup.....then run the appropriate SQl query.




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Thanks for getting back to me Chris. Have reinstalled the add-on... using just one of the sql files etc... the more_categories.. and still this error is occuring in the admin section:-


1146 - Table 'www2goo_osc1.categories_more_languages' doesn't exist


select * from categories_more, categories_more_languages where enabled = 1 and languages_id = '1' and box_id_language= '1'





I am at a loss as to what I should do? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks in advance. A frustrated Kerry. :blink:

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I think I have finally sorted it out. I have removed the following from the admin more_categories file:-


$languages = tep_get_languages();

for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($languages); $i < $n; $i++) {

$categories_language_this_infobox_query = tep_db_query("select * from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_MORE . ", categories_more_languages where enabled = 1 and languages_id = '". $languages[$i]['id'] ."' and box_id_language= '".($box_number + 1)."' ");

$_categories_language = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_language_this_infobox_query);

//$_infoBox[] = array('name' => $_categories_language['infobox_name_language']);

echo '<br>' . tep_image(DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/images/' . $languages[$i]['image'], $languages[$i]['name']) . ' '

//. tep_draw_input_field('name', $box_name );//org

. tep_draw_input_field('lang'.$i, $_categories_language['infobox_name_language'] );





There is no longer an error message and everything appears to be working ok.


Thanks for your help tonight Chris, much appreciated.

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