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Does Purchase without account & order editor conflict?


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Hi everyone,


I have a short question regarding purchase without account. I have installed it on my demo server without having order editor. My actual server though has order editor already installed, so I was wondering If I install purchase without account on top of that if it will conflict. What makes me wonder, is that I notice in the procedure of purchase without account that it asks to modify the orders.php and order.php which were edited by the order editor contribution. Oh also one last question, I notice that there is an if statement that controls the login page allows for the addition of "purhcase without account" box to the already existing new customer and returning customer boxes, which is perfect, but my question is I want to control that if statement to allow only that box to show if the customer clicks checkout from my shopping cart. Right now from what I see is, the if statement only checks if the cart count > 0, which is good but lets say my customer is on my homepage and clicks the login link, then the purchase without account will show as well but he isn't trying to checkout hes trying to log in. I don't know if my question made sense but its for people that are familiar with the "purchase without account" contribution


Thanks in advance.


Thank you in advance,


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