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Color Swatches and Search By Color


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I would like to add color swatches to each product to show what colors are available. I would also like to add the color swatches to a color search on the left hand column under the categories. They would be able to search by color and then click on a color on the left column to search by that color. I did find the color contribution, but how would I go about adding the color search on the left column with the images of the swatches?


Here is an image of my product search page and how the images will be displayed in the left column:





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I would like to add color swatches to each product to show what colors are available. I would also like to add the color swatches to a color search on the left hand column under the categories. They would be able to search by color and then click on a color on the left column to search by that color. I did find the color contribution, but how would I go about adding the color search on the left column with the images of the swatches?


Here is an image of my product search page and how the images will be displayed in the left column:







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