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Am I right in thinking...that (having read quite alot on this forum + OSC site etc,) there are really only 3 broad things to do to get a site indexed properly in the search engines..


1. sort out the URLs so that they reflect the page content, i.e. ultimate seo urls or something similar

2. sort out all the meta tags, i.e. title, desc, keywords, h1, etc etc i.e. KissMT or other

3. make sure you write good original content


Am I missing something?





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Am I right in thinking...that (having read quite alot on this forum + OSC site etc,) there are really only 3 broad things to do to get a site indexed properly in the search engines..


1. sort out the URLs so that they reflect the page content, i.e. ultimate seo urls or something similar

2. sort out all the meta tags, i.e. title, desc, keywords, h1, etc etc i.e. KissMT or other

3. make sure you write good original content


Am I missing something?






Obviously there is a lot more to SEO than that but if we are just talking of contributions to include to server the existing categories and products and we assume that thinks like incoming links you will be working on seperately.


I would recommend in addition.


1) Sign up to Google webmasters tools.

2) Using the above and a contribution add some XML sitemap pages for products and categories (another avenue to tell Google the products it should look to index).

3) Google base feed (and others) to get your products on there.


I could go on a lot about SEO things here but given the question I thought I would keep it short.


I wouldn't get involved in link exchange (unless highly relevant).


Some article/page manager so you can add rich content.


That'll do for now I'm sure others will add to it.

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