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Changing Header


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Hello! I am wanting to the login, register, shopping bag, and other links to the header. Does anyone know how to do this? I have searched on here for quite a while now and just can't seem to find it. I am sure it is somewhere, so if anyone knows of a link or what specifically I should type in the search, it would be greatly appreciated! You have all been very helpful!

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Hello! I am wanting to the login, register, shopping bag, and other links to the header. Does anyone know how to do this?


Could you be a little clearer. Im not sure what you mean. Though the header is controlled by includes/header.php

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Look at this contribution. Since it uses tables I am sure you can add all the information you want to the header.






Okay, I done that but it gave me boxes in the header. Sorry, I am a designer and normally do not do any of the developing. This is for a personal business that is set to launch this week. I hired a developer several months ago to do the development. Several hundred dollars later and he could not deliver, so now since I am pretty much out of the money to pay for someone to do it, I am trying to figure it out. But that is good because I do need to learn all of this anyways. I am attaching images of what my index page and search pages will be like, so maybe that will help.


paigingjoy.jpg index page

searchresults.jpg search results page


Thank you so much! I appreciate everything!

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The category tabs contribution will add a tab bar containing your categories.



Its controlled by the stylesheet.



Another option is this horizontal menu.

This contribution allows you to add your own links though it will be harder to configure. Its basic code though so you will probably manage ok. Its the home, login/logout, my account, contact us etc on my site.



Another option is dynamic menu...


This is the same as the first contribution I suggested only it has a flyout so you can view subcategories. I have it as a box in my left column, but it is coded so that you can easily put it in your header.



Ive used all three.

I ended up using the dynamic menu on my left column and the category tab menu in my header... though didnt finish making it look right as I replaced it with the horizontal menu without categories.


Take a look at my site (in progress!!!!) I have put the horizontal menu back on the site for you to see and will delete it tomorrow morning. Its the green tabs with my categories.




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The category tabs contribution will add a tab bar containing your categories.



Its controlled by the stylesheet.



Another option is this horizontal menu.

This contribution allows you to add your own links though it will be harder to configure. Its basic code though so you will probably manage ok. Its the home, login/logout, my account, contact us etc on my site.



Another option is dynamic menu...


This is the same as the first contribution I suggested only it has a flyout so you can view subcategories. I have it as a box in my left column, but it is coded so that you can easily put it in your header.



Ive used all three.

I ended up using the dynamic menu on my left column and the category tab menu in my header... though didnt finish making it look right as I replaced it with the horizontal menu without categories.


Take a look at my site (in progress!!!!) I have put the horizontal menu back on the site for you to see and will delete it tomorrow morning. Its the green tabs with my categories.







In hindsight of making my website....

Id use the horizontal menu contribution next to your header image for the login part of the image you posted.

Category tabs for the categories you have listed above your main content.


Simply dont use the right column. Have the big image in your languages/english/english.php file. The left column holding the boxes on the left. The three boxes at the bottom of your image id put in includes/footer.php.


Then the links to gift certs, customer service etc id put in includes/footer.php using the horizontal menu contribution.


Slick images btw.

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The category tabs contribution will add a tab bar containing your categories.



Its controlled by the stylesheet.



Another option is this horizontal menu.

This contribution allows you to add your own links though it will be harder to configure. Its basic code though so you will probably manage ok. Its the home, login/logout, my account, contact us etc on my site.



Another option is dynamic menu...


This is the same as the first contribution I suggested only it has a flyout so you can view subcategories. I have it as a box in my left column, but it is coded so that you can easily put it in your header.



Ive used all three.

I ended up using the dynamic menu on my left column and the category tab menu in my header... though didnt finish making it look right as I replaced it with the horizontal menu without categories.


Take a look at my site (in progress!!!!) I have put the horizontal menu back on the site for you to see and will delete it tomorrow morning. Its the green tabs with my categories.







In hindsight of making my website....

Id use the horizontal menu contribution next to your header image for the login part of the image you posted.

Category tabs for the categories you have listed above your main content.


Simply dont use the right column. Have the big image in your languages/english/english.php file. The left column holding the boxes on the left. The three boxes at the bottom of your image id put in includes/footer.php.


Then the links to gift certs, customer service etc id put in includes/footer.php using the horizontal menu contribution.


Slick images btw.


Thank you! It is going to be hard to finish this in just a few days, but I guess that is what red bull is for! haha! I had originally hoped to sign the developer on with us, but he worked on it for 4 months and could not get it right, so we just had to take a loss and move on.


I am going to work through your suggestions tonight and see how I do :) Thank you so much!

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Thank you for all of your help! I am getting a lot done! I do have a question... Do I have to have the left column on the index page? I am wanting to have the index page as shown up. I then want them to be able to click on the top links to go to apparel and search or handbags and search and then the left column would come up.


Also, how would I go about squeezing everything in? It seems like the logo and left column are a long ways to the left.


Also, how do I get rid of the images when I click on a category? I only want product images showing up. If you want to take a look so far, my site is at paigingjoy dot com Thanks so much!

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Thank you for all of your help! I am getting a lot done! I do have a question... Do I have to have the left column on the index page? I am wanting to have the index page as shown up. I then want them to be able to click on the top links to go to apparel and search or handbags and search and then the left column would come up.


Also, how would I go about squeezing everything in? It seems like the logo and left column are a long ways to the left.


Also, how do I get rid of the images when I click on a category? I only want product images showing up. If you want to take a look so far, my site is at paigingjoy dot com Thanks so much!


I think I have figured out how to edit the width. I am trying to move the Home Designers... etc. top navigation to the right. I tried to align right but it gave me an error. Any suggestions? Thank you!

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I take it you are using the Category Tabs contribution in your header for this part?



<td colspan="0" align="right">

<?php include(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'categories_tab.php'); ?>





Getting it to say "Home" alongside your categories will be a head scratcher. Im a trial and edit coder soo....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I still can not seem to get the header correct. I'm not sure where the lines are coming from that are on there now. I did not add those. Here is what it is looking like:




I need the search box to go to the left of the "Home" and I tried adding it into the table, but it just sets it above them. I also need to be able to add the lines like the images above, but not sure how to do those. Thanks so much for your help!

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