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Help with defining a new CSS class for subcategory text


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Can someone who is experienced with CSS help me define a new class for the Subcategory text (ex. subcategory for hardware is CDrom, Keyboards,etc...). How and where can I change those text (cdrom, keyboards, etc) to have a different text and hover color with out affecting the rest of the other text with links? I can't seem to get it to work. Any examples would be great.



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Defining a new class is not the problem, but you then have to apply that class to the pages concerned. You cound serach for the class reference in a file search to find what pages it is used on...


CCS wise I recommend getting TopStyle from www.bradsoft.com - ver 2.5 is free. It has a WYSIWYG display of the styles. Then look at the source code in your browser of pages to see what style/class etc is applied then try editing it TopStyle.

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