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Product Attributes in categories.php page?


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is it possible in anyway to modify or install an extra module into oscommerce?...for 'Music Downloads'...to have the Product Attibutes selection options in the categories.php page?...on the same page as you add/edit products details to admin/store.


It would be great if it could be done all on one page instead of having to use a separate product_attributes page, because that is very time consuming.




Any help would be great, thanks!

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is it possible in anyway to modify or install an extra module into oscommerce?...for 'Music Downloads'...to have the Product Attibutes selection options in the categories.php page?...on the same page as you add/edit products details to admin/store.


It would be great if it could be done all on one page instead of having to use a separate product_attributes page, because that is very time consuming.




Any help would be great, thanks!


Not sure how difficult that would be, however you can just add a button to the categories.php page that launches products_attributes.php in a new window. At least then you're not jumping back and forth. Just a thought..



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