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The e-commerce.

is osCommerce able to do this scenario ?


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id like to learn oscommerce, this scenario come to mind : say i have a online store


scenario one:

i have 1 item that belong to two (or more) product (eg: i sell shoes this shoes come with accessories , say shoes A accs ABC, EFG, IJK, XYZ, shoes B come with compatible accs ASD, JKL, FGH, XYZ), from the case above we can see that item XYZ belong to two cats, can it be done? so it will be cat : SHOES A (item - ABC , EFG, IJK, XYZ) SHOES B (item - ASD, IJK, XYZ), what come to mind is how to set the database


scenario two:

i want to give free shipping if customer purchase above $1000 in total (without shipping), and i also want to give discount coupon , so there will be a disc coupon inputted during checkout , is it can be done?


thanks.. sorry if the question sound dumb :)

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"Yes" to both. OSC handles both with ease.


Items are called Products in OSC. Products are kept in categories. You can have a product into two categories by either duplicating it so that the same product/code is in each category and also copy a product to a second/thrid/forth category whereby it gets a new product code. each time.


The accessories are called attributes.


When setting attributes you create an attribute name and option and then apply the attribute to each product. An attribute name and option is not automatically associated to a product so you can choose exactly which attribute applies to which products.



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