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Change address order?


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What fields and what order is determined by the "address format" used. Each country gets assigned one of the address formats (defined in the address_format table). What country are you dealing with? The US default format (2) is "city, state zipcode". Maybe your database entry got messed up? For the US (entry 2), it should be

$firstname $lastname$cr$streets$cr$city, $state    $postcode$cr$country'

in address_format table (you can use phpMyAdmin to check and correct, or there's probably something in admin).


If that's not it, could your zip (postcode) and state database entries have gotten swapped somewhere? Do you have any add-ons (contributions) that might have touched this area?

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Thank you. Although it was not clear which entry in the database to modify I changed them all.


It is odd to store that in the database. Since the format is rather static it should be outside a database. I understand it is outside the database on the next version.


Thank you


What fields and what order is determined by the "address format" used. Each country gets assigned one of the address formats (defined in the address_format table). What country are you dealing with? The US default format (2) is "city, state zipcode". Maybe your database entry got messed up? For the US (entry 2), it should be

$firstname $lastname$cr$streets$cr$city, $state    $postcode$cr$country'

in address_format table (you can use phpMyAdmin to check and correct, or there's probably something in admin).


If that's not it, could your zip (postcode) and state database entries have gotten swapped somewhere? Do you have any add-ons (contributions) that might have touched this area?

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