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I am receiving an error when i click on my account customer confirm button.This is what the error says:

Fatal error: Failed opening required 'includes/languages/english/FILENAME_ACCOUNT_CUSTOMER_CONFIRM' (include_path='./:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/www/cart/catalog/catalog/account_customer_confirm.php on line 31.

And when i opened my account_customer_confirm this is what's inside:





account_customer_confirm.php,v 0.1 2002/09/03 23:38:57 hpdl Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Orders Confirmation by customer to change orders_status from Require_Confirmation (id = 7) to Order confirmed (id=6)

in my case. you must change these id according to your orders_status

Copyright © 2002 Resolv Info France - elari


Released under the GNU General Public License


Language & param files

This param must be included in db in next version and selected by admin pannel





define('TEXT_ORDER_CUSTOMER_CONFIRM_TODO', 'You must now confirm your order before we can process it.');

define('TEXT_ORDER_CUSTOMER_CONFIRM_ALREADY', 'There is no order that must be confirmated.');

define('TEXT_ORDER_CUSTOMER_CONFIRMED', 'Your order is now confirmed and will be processed soon. An email has beed sent for information');




Now my question is anyone here knows why i am receiving this error? And in my account_customer_confirm that i pasted below, is there anything missing in it?

Please help as this is driving me crasy....

Regards. :cry:

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Most welcome ...


Usually when you see something like a constant in an error message, then something is not defined somewhere.


Your error did not say cannot load fred.php it was FILENAME_FRED


So that leads to the question ... who is fred? :shock:

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  • 3 months later...

What is this customer confirm account button? I'm looking for a way to verify the customer's e-mail address by making them check that e-mail to confirm the account creation somehow. I was thinking some sort of account number sent or randomly generated username that the customer will then need to log into the site to begin making purchases. Thanks!!!


:lol: :lol: :wink:



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Richard, I set my site up to where the password is randomly generated (code snippet from password_forgotten.php) and emailed to the customer (using the email routine at the bottom of create_account_process.php). I also had to add a couple of lines from logoff.php to disable the automatic login that happens when the account is first created, which would defeat the purpose in the first place.


When I get home this afternoon, I will post the steps I did, but it is really simple to do.



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Wow that would be great if you could post the steps you took for this!!! What a huge help that would be to me!! Thank you in advance for your help!!!!


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :lol:



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I put up a small mod for whoever is interested.


Signup Email Confirmation Mod


This generates the password using the function of password_forgotten.php and emails it to the user instead of letting the user pick his own. This way, a user has to use his real email address at least until he is signed up.


I needed it and didn't find a mod to do it, so I adapted some snippets from password_forgotten.php and logoff.php. Hope it helps someone.



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Thanks a bunch! I'm going to give this a shot today! I'll let you know how it goes :D Thanks again!!



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The documentation is not the neatest in the world, but if you need anything clarified, please let me know.



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A few troubles....


I followed your instructions to the T and reslulted with the following issues:


-When you click create account it takes you to "create_account.php" but on the page is only "My Account Information" and the continue button.


-When you click "continue" it takes you to "create_account_proccess.php" but some of my feilds are missing text boxes, also the newsletter drop down is not there and it defaults to unsubscribed. It does say -hidden- for password.


-Also next to the fields now are Min "n" characters instead of just "required". I'm wondering how this could possibly change with what your instructions had me do...I'm actually quite confused by this.


-I used the screwy signup anyway to check the password functionality, and in the e-mail it says :


Dear Tester,


We welcome you to Beyond Wireless.


EMAIL_USERNAMEYour password is:


This field EMAIL_USERNAME was added per your instructions and doesn't seem to be calling anything. And I'm not sure why the password is not being generated :( If you have any ideas what may be going on here it would be greatly appreciated. This is something that will be extremely useful for me!! Thanks alot!!!



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When I use the "new_account_details.php" it seems as if it is skipping over the initial create account step and then reporting back the errors as if one didn't fill anything out. Thus it has me at the "create_account_proccess.php" with min "n" charecters by most of the fields and required by a few, also the missing State drop down I have for sign up, the missing text fields that aren't required, and the newsletter field with no drop down. I'm trying to figure out why it is doing this..if you have any ideas they would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!



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As far as the create_account.php not showing up right that was simply some html tag issues. But still no password is being mailed out, and it can't seem to find the EMAIL_USERNAME define (neither can I :wink: )


Thanks for your help!!!



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Check if the following two lines are in your /catalog/includes/languages/english/create_account_process.php file:


define('EMAIL_USERNAME', 'Your username is: <b>' . stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['email_address']) . '</b>' . "nn");

define('EMAIL_PASSWORD', 'Your password is: <b>' . $newpass . '</b>' . "nn");


This may be why the password and user's name are not showing up in the email.



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YEs it is creating the account....I just don't know what the password is:(


I added those defines to the catalog/includes/language/english/create_account_proccess.php and here is what I am getting in the e-mail now:


Dear Tester,


We welcome you to Beyond Wireless.


Your username is: [email protected]


Your password is:


sooo close :D :D


Thank you for your help Charlie!!!



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Here is the other problem I am having with getting the form to show up:




I just can't figure it out...so many unclosed <tr> and <td> tags....


Wasn't sure if you could help :D



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Do you have the following line in create_account_process.php


$plain_pass = $newpass;


just before this line:


$sql_data_array = array('customers_firstname' => $firstname,


That is where the email is getting the password information from. I may have left that out of the readme.txt file. Like I said, this is my first attempt at releasing anything close to a contrib.



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Your my hero!!!! It works, I get the password now in the e-mail, however I did notice as soon as I hit continue to submit my info a little yellow exlamation point showed in the lower left browser bar...maybe it worked..but with some sort of errors...would those be in the server logs also?? I talked to my host and tommorrow he will have the logs post in my root so I can check them out...Thank you so much!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D



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Those errors won't show up in the server logs, as that would be a browser error, I think in the Javascript someplace... Double click on the exclamation point and that will give a vague indication of where the problem is. It will give a message like such and such error on line ## at character ##. That would be a line in the html code that is sent to the browser, not a line in the php scripts.



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The only problem is that it shows up for just a quick second before the redirect to success. I'll try and catch it though and see if I can figure out what is going on there. Thanks!! :wink:



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