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Credit card number getting lost


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I'm unsure where I'm oging wrong so I'll post this in the general section.


I have just downloaded and applied the ECHO credit card & electronic checks payment module to my dec 2002 snapshot.


When filling out test credit card information using 411111111111 or 4005550000000019 I get the following message:


Credit Card Error!  


The first four digits of the number entered are:  

If that number is correct, we do not accept that type of credit card.

If it is wrong, please try again.


Notice that the message is telling me that the first four digits are no good, but there are no digits returns, so I assume that the whole number is getting lost somewheres along the way.


I've mucked about a bit, but can't see where this may be happening. Any ideas?


Thanks much!

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Been banging my head over this all day. Totally stumped in part because I can't figure out how the form submision is processed and therefore what happens to the variable "cc_number" between submition and its dissapearance somewhere in the mirk of the credit card processing scatter.


One thing that may have a baring on things for me is that I installed "Purchase Without Account v.0.55" to my Dec 2002 snapshot, and there may be some strange crosswire going on from that, but I can't really see how.


One thing that I see is that in the file "includes/classes/cc_validation.php", at about line 17, in the class "cc_validation":

    function validate($number, $expiry_m, $expiry_y) {

     $this->cc_number = ereg_replace('[^0-9]', '', $number);

Seems to me to replace the credit card number with "". Now that would certainly cause my problem, but why in bob's name would that be there in the first place?


Can't find where "$number" is directly coming from. Frankly, I can't follow the flow of the anything here. gArrrg...



Please, somebody help me!

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