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The e-commerce.

to the root of the problem


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On my osCommerce admin page, when I go to look at Customer Details, I see this:


"...in the custommers account"


Where do you go to fix this typo? What file contains the error? I did a search for "custommers" in all my directories and didn't turn anything up.


Also, the product images on my admin site don't show. The paths are screwy. It uses:




instead of the proper:




Anybody know where to go to fix this?



If you don't like the news then go make some of your own.

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On my osCommerce admin page, when I go to look at Customer Details, I see this:


"...in the custommers account"


Where do you go to fix this typo? What file contains the error? I did a search for "custommers" in all my directories and didn't turn anything up.


The typo is in the database Configuration Table.



Check your includes/configure.php ...Sounds like you may have something messed up.

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The typo is in the database Configuration Table


I looked at the Configuration tabel with php Myadmin but I don't know how to spot the typo. What am I looking for?

If you don't like the news then go make some of your own.

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When I try to update product descriptions I'm getting this now:


Warning: Unable to create '/home/secure.nexcess.net/html/gearsonline.net/catalog/images/mbi-products/mosquito-net.jpg': Permission denied in /home/gearsonline.net/secure_html/catalog/osc-admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 789


Warning: Unable to move '/tmp/phpuMVdqw' to '/home/secure.nexcess.net/html/gearsonline.net/catalog/images/mbi-products/mosquito-net.jpg' in /home/gearsonline.net/secure_html/catalog/osc-admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 789


Is this familiar to anyone?

If you don't like the news then go make some of your own.

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