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The e-commerce.

kg to pounds?


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normaly should be anyway if you using kg or pounds only you have to edit some text areas in the catalog part


there is not a definition just only a number field

if you use kilogramm than look to edit the default.php ( i am not sure )

i do it also here:




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While the definition "pounds" or "kilograms" is only a text field in most areas where it appears, keep in mind that some shipping modules (i.e. USPS for one) expect the weight value to be in pounds.

... if you want to REALLY see something that doesn't set up right out of the box without some tweaking,

try being a Foster Parent!

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i just replace the text fields in the header.php and also in the default.php

the code is below



this is the complete table in the right site of the header


<table width="227" border="0" align="right" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


         <td colspan="3" width="227"class="headerNavigation_custom"><br><img src="images/cart.gif" border="0" alt="shopping cart" ><strong><font color="#000000"> 

            Cart Summary</font></strong><br>




         <td width="120"class="headerNavigation_custom">Item(s) in Cart</td>

         <td width="7"class="headerNavigation_custom">:</td>

         <td width="100"class="headerNavigation_custom"> <?php echo $cart->count_contents() . ($cart->count_contents() == "1" ? " Item" : " Items "); ?></td>



         <td width="120"class="headerNavigation_custom">Current Total</td>

         <td width="7"class="headerNavigation_custom">:</td>

         <td width="100"class="headerNavigation_custom"> <?php echo $currencies->format($cart->show_total()); ?></td>



         <td width="120"class="headerNavigation_custom">Shipping Weight</td>

         <td width="7"class="headerNavigation_custom">:</td>

         <td width="100"class="headerNavigation_custom"> <?php echo $cart->show_weight() . ($cart->show_weight() == "1" ? " kg" : " kgs ")?> 





and here the little script for the statusline in the default.php



## MOD Title: CART Info in Browser Status Bar 

## MOD Version: 1.0 

## Author: Jonas < [email protected] >

## Description: CART info in satus bar


## Installation Level: Easy 

## Installation Time:  1 Minute

## Files To Edit: default.php

## Included Files: n/a 


## This MOD is released under the GPL License. 

## Intellectual Property is retained by the MOD Author(s) listed above 


## Authors Notes: 

## Simple MOD to add CART info to the browser status bar.

##This could be adapted to animate the text.


## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum,

##You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD 


-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ 


-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ 


-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ 

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">


window.status="Cart: <?php echo $cart->count_contents(); ?> Items  <?php echo $currencies->format($cart->show_total()); ?>  <?php echo $cart->show_weight() ?>kgs ]"

// -->


-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------


search in both for kg or kgs



Hope this Helps

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sorry i forget :


you can but this statusbar script also in the productinfo.php


Please Note:


only if you dont use USPS in America or you have to rewrite this USPS-shipping mode with a calculation from kg in pounds.


we dont need it because we are not located in America.



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