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The e-commerce.

Something Goofy Happened With My Layout


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I've been collaborating with a friend of mine to set up an os commerce site ...



I have only been adding categories and products to my site all day and it seems as though something went awry with the layout.

My items are showing up on the right hand side of the page.. YIKES!

I think they belong within the white space of the page. Not sure how this occurred. I tried updating the index.php page with a clean un-edited page, but it didn't change anything.

Perhaps there is a limitation with the product listing ? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as I am new to this and would like to keep from having to ask my friend about this stuff, as he's really helping me for free.



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YES, you definitely have a table problem. My first suggestion, REMOVE GOOGLE ADS. Restore your original back up and then see what you are left with.


I highly doubt the original template looked like that.





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Look in the product description for 'A Bug's Life'. There is only one column, or one pair of <td></td>, where all the other descriptions for the other products have two columns. It is the same effect as if you built a two column table but on one of your table's rows, made a typo and only had one column.

Oscommerce site:



OSC to CSS, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7263 -Mail Manager, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8120

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