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Updates to customers list


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Is the customers list only updated upon a new customer's successfully completing their first purchase?

Is it possible to have the customers list updated upon customer completing the registration form?

My client is wondering why customers show up in the orders list but not the customers list in cases

where customer aborted the transaction at the point of payment. Please advise.

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The customer database should update upon completion of the create_account.php and hitting the submit button. Also, if you have PWA installed, this would change how/when the cart updates the database.





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Thanks, I will look at the create_account.php file. What is PWA? Password authentication?








The customer database should update upon completion of the create_account.php and hitting the submit button. Also, if you have PWA installed, this would change how/when the cart updates the database.





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Hi John,



PWA is Purchase WITHOUT account. IF this is installed on your site, the account creation process is handled differently.







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