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where to see stock level?


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How can I check my stock level of each product without getting in to the catalog to check each one of them?


Can customers see my stock level (how many of this products are left)?


what does mean in admin, stock: Check to see if sufficent stock is available?

Where to see?




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SELECT t1.products_id, t1.products_quantity, t1.products_model, t1.products_price, t2.products_name, t3.manufacturers_name

FROM products AS t1

INNER JOIN products_description AS t2

inner join manufacturers as t3

inner join vendors as t4

WHERE t1.products_id = t2.products_id

and t1.manufacturers_id = t3.manufacturers_id

and t1.vendors_id = t4.vendors_id

ORDER BY t1.products_model


Adjust as desired. Maybe there is an add on that already does this? Don't know..


Customers can see the quantity in stock if you configured your store to show that.


Check to see if sufficient stock is available? means that the shopping cart software either will or will not check to see that there is enough quantity in stock before it completes a transaction successfully.

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Sorry Mark, I am new in OSC. I don't quite understand your explanation.


How to configure my store to show or not show customer the quantity in stock?


I setup the "Check to see if sufficient stock is available" ture. I did not see the stock quantity in the shopping cart when I tested it. What do you mean by shopping cart software?



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