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Order confirmation emails


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I need to add a few lines of text and a link to the order confirmation email the customer receives after they place an order on my website. Where do I find the confirmation email files in my FTP and can I just edit that using dreamweaver to add the few lines of text to it? I am trying to get the customer to click on a link in their email to confirm their order so I can better track where they are coming from. Thank you for your help.

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Look in catalog > checkout_process.php


around line 240, look for


// lets start with the email confirmation


add an additional message under that area, depending on where you want to place the text, add



//additional text message


$email_order .="YOUR TEXT HERE".


//end of additional text message



I never used dreamweaver for that but you can try anything as long as you back up first.

~ Don't mistake my kindness for weakness ~

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Look in catalog > checkout_process.php


around line 240, look for


// lets start with the email confirmation


add an additional message under that area, depending on where you want to place the text, add



//additional text message


$email_order .="YOUR TEXT HERE".


//end of additional text message



I never used dreamweaver for that but you can try anything as long as you back up first.


Thank you. I found that code in their. I noticed it refernces Email_Text_Greeting in there. Could I just access that text greeting file and edit that text in there to include what I want it to say instead of doing what you stated above? Would that be easier and less risky? I'm not a pro at this. Where would that text greeting be located?

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I didn't see email_text_greeting in the original files but I may have missed it, in any case, when you see a piece of code that outputs text, of course you can edit that text, making sure you only edit the actual text and not any bits of code.

The easiest way to see where a text will be located is to try the code, in your case make a test account on your shop, purchase a product and check what your screen shows you at every stage. As for what is risky, nothing is risky for as long as you have a backup of your files prior to the changes in case you did something wrong, which, at least in my case, happens often. I'm not a pro either ;)

~ Don't mistake my kindness for weakness ~

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