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Moving OSC to new server - all modules missing


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I have read page 21 in the manual that says


Admin : Modules

The modules section is where you will setup your payment, shipping, and order total



You will see several different payment modules. To turn one on click the "green dot" to

the right of the name. The "red dot" turns them off. You will have to enable one before

you can edit it.

After one is enabled by clicking the "green dot" that line will be highlighted. To edit,

click the edit button to the right of the highlighted line and edit.


In shipping you have several different ways to charge shipping. To turn one on click the

"green dot" to the right of the name. The "red dot" turns them off. You will have to

enable one before you can edit it.

After one is enabled by clicking the "green dot" that line will be highlighted. To edit,

click the edit button to the right of the highlighted line and edit.

Order Total

The "Order Total" module puts the items in the order they will appear in the checkout

process. If you have inadvertantly put the same "sort order" on 2 items only one will

show up.


Not a figure right.


We have transferred the whole database, system, site and all files including modules and more.

Updated the configuration and reset/updated the encryption of password files.


Everything works except on this/these particular problem/s.


1) In every part where the installation OSCpanel says Modules shows the path to the modules, but no green buttons or installable modules.


2) When we update the OSC database witht he configuration values for ID 67, 68 and 69 the MySQL database immediately accepts the values.

Upon refreshing the page in PHPMyAdmin shofing table `databasename`.`configuration` these thre values disappear again as if an autodeletion of them was invoked.


Further reference to troubleshooting.


We use 2.2 of OSC, 5.1.x of MySQL and PHP 5.2.x


The server is located in Sweden and configured to use UTF8 encoding and have swedish menu systems.


If anyone has some good experience with this and why the database seems to self delete the manual updates regardless of our means of updating the database we would very much appreciate this.


I have tried using MySQL remote connecting tools, PHPMyAdmin and the controlpanel in OSC.


The installation buttons in all module pages does NOT work at all.

In effect does absolutely nothing except reloads the page youre on.



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Have you changed your configuration to point to the new database? It sounds like you are using two different databases.




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The issue is not an HTML error from my side.

The area in configure.php which specified abs path to the parts of the setup where accepting a path that was absolute.

But there was apparently a part missing before


hence /domains/sitename/www (example) had to be replaced with




Both worked in OSC to identify the directory at first but the internal workings of OSC failed.


I can to this date not understand why all this configure stuff couldnt be put in a database.

The only thing that would ever have to be outside the database is the actual configuration settings for the db connection.

It's a nasty jumble of code for no apparent use whatsoever.

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