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The e-commerce.

can i design an oscommerce site on my own computer


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I am starting to design a website but have not yet decided on the domain name that I will be using it on.


Is it possible to design my oscommerce site on my own computer then upload it when I have got my domain registered?




Duncan Hutchinson

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Yes you can. You will need an emulator such as xampp or EasyPHP (which is the one I use) installed on your PC. This effectively mimics the conditions/services found on your typical ISP (non-windows) server (eg. apache; php; sql etc). Then you can install/configure and test locally on your pc until your happy to upload. Will need a bit of configuring once uploaded but nothing major!




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Yes you can. You will need an emulator such as xampp or EasyPHP (which is the one I use) installed on your PC. This effectively mimics the conditions/services found on your typical ISP (non-windows) server (eg. apache; php; sql etc). Then you can install/configure and test locally on your pc until your happy to upload. Will need a bit of configuring once uploaded but nothing major!






Thanks Paul, I have managed to get it up and running so now its a matter of messing about until I get it how I want it.


I have two further questions if you (or anyone else!) has a minute:-


1) If I want a friend to be able to have a look at my site for testing & critique is this relatively easy using xampp (this is the one I have installed). I know there would be a security issue but I could turn on when they wanted to log in and turn off after.


2) there are many many contributions which is frankly confusing. In your opinion are there a few 'must have' contributions? I know this is a lot about personal preference but a pointer or two I think would be helpful for me and many other beginners.


thanks again,


Duncan Hutchinson

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