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XAMPP: can't login in customer account


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Hello everyone:


My store is fully functional in the live environment.


My local copy of the store running in the XAMPP environment is working pretty good too, I don't get any SQL connection error or anything, products and categories are showing and the admin side is all working too.


However, when I try to login as in a customer account let's say to view order history or to test my order process, it won't allow me to log in. After clicking "login", it refreshes the page and nothing happens. It doesn't give me an error message either, it just clears the two fields and the page blinks. Using phpMyAdmin, I confirmed that the customer ID exist and I'm using the right password.


It didn't bothered me that much until I installed "Multi-Level admin" which requires me to login with a username/password on the admin side too. I get the same problem on the admin side, it won't accept my username/password.


I'm sure it's a simple fix in PHP.ini config somewhere or something like this, but I can't figure it out. Any idea anyone?


Thank !

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sounds like fopen is turned off, add this to the php ini file

allow_url_fopen = On;



Thanks, it was in fact turned off, but adding allow_url_fopen = On; to xamppfiles\etc\php.ini did help >_<


I'm still getting the same result.

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The problem is most likely with your cookie define in your configure file - I expect you'll get the can't add to cart one as well <_<

My store is currently running Phoenix

I'm currently working on and hope to get it live before arrives (maybe 🙄 )

I used to have a list of add-ons here but I've found that with the ones that supporters of Phoenix get any other add-ons are not really neccessary

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I have this same problem. On my development machine. Windows Vista, Apache 2.2, PHP 5.3, MySQL 5.1.39. All self-installed manually. Wordpress and Joomla self-installed.


The admin panel works fine, and cookies get set when logging into the admin panel, but the shopping cart does not retain anything, and the user cannot login. Registration works fine.


The cookie path works for the admin panel cookies - why not for the customers?

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