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update 2.2 tips?


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I'm trying to work out the best way to update my older version of 2.2 to the latest release. Has anyone got any tips of how to do this, now that I have customised my site quite a bit?

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Well this is probably not the best way but upgrading from last September's snapshot I just redid the modifications I had made. I used Loaded5 as a starting point to save a lot of work and dumped the old database into the new version (one field name change needed). Took 3 days to redo the mods that had taken 2 weeks to do first time round and added a quite few new features in the process. I didn't manage to use mysqldiff and I don't have Beyond Compare so I just dived in.

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What's loaded 5?


Also I noticed that I had erased the catalog/install folder as instructed in oscDox - I see that this had an upgrade.php file - would this have helped?


What do I do now that I have erased it?

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