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The e-commerce.

3 noobie questions if I may...


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#1, how do I tell if I have version 2 or version 3?




#2, i want to sell motorcycle parts on my site. is it possible to have a graphic (parts diagram) at the top of a category?


#3, is it possible for one part to be in more than one category? ( a carburetor may fit several different engines)


PS: I've searched and searched, but I really don't even know what to search for. There are like a billion or so contribs :(


thanking everyone in advance.

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In your admin panel, go to Configuration -> Images -> Heading Image Width and Heading Image Height. I recommend making both values blank. You can also set them to the actual size of your images if all of your images are the same size. If you need to resize images, do that before you upload them.




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