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Free shipping for certain items only

Tuan Le

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Add the Downloads Controller v5.3 and set the weight on those products to 0


What shipping methods are you currently using?


If you use flat or item, you'd need a tweak to the code for when the Free shipping items are mixed with the regular products.

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Hi Linda,


I will give the Downloads Controller v5.3 a try. I'm using the flat rate method, so what do I need to change in the codes?


Thanks for your prompt reply, it's great appreciated.


-Tuan :)

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For Flat Rate ... I am assuming ...


That if a Free Shipping product is bought, with a weight of 0 then shipping is free.


That if a Free Shipping product is bought, with a weight of 0 and a regular product with weight, then the Flat Rate applies.


If this is the case, then just install the Downloads Controller v5.3 and this will magically happen. :D


If you decide later to use Per Item, then the code would need a helping hand. 8)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Will this work with my two custom shipping modules that are based on Zone based rates.


I need to offer free shipping on certain products, but leave all other to my existing rules.


Please help Linda, sounds like your updated version of Free shipping that comes with your Download Controller is ideal.

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The Free Shipping module catches carts full of products with no weight ... originally this was just for downloads and later for things you want to ship for free.


The only reason I can see this would not work without a little tweaking is the Per Item. And that, is just a need to not count things with 0 weight for a mixed cart, otherwise, the Free Shipping module will kick in for a 0 weight cart.

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Sorry little confused.


I think what your saying is that it will work apart from if there is a mixed cart of the 0 weight items and others then my normal rates will kick in. It will only work if free shipping products are on their own.


If this is the case then it won't matter, as it will go over my free over amount threshold which I have in place, so it will work.


Thanks for your swift reply Linda, sorry for being a little stupid. :oops:



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No, I am saying if the cart contains products of weight and non-weight items, the regular shipping modules are set up for this with the exception of Per Item that is not looking at the cart weight to determine something is Free.


The Free Shipping is there for when the cart does weigh 0 so that there is a Free Shipping Module and not an error, or some other charge that would result if done via UPS without something to override that.


The Free Shipping and Payment modules are triggered based on cart total weight and total price.


These kick in and turn off the other modules when appropriate and disappear when appropriate.

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