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The e-commerce.

BargainBones.com - please check.


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OK Ive made my OSC store live. I know i've kept the stock look to it but to tell you the truth...i liked the stock look :wink:


One thing i'm noticing is...


I have the Custom Error Pages contrib installed and on the Whos_Online Tool in the Admin section it has most users online's "last URL" as "http_error.php?error_id=404" I'm not having a problem tracking my clicks but for some reason all I get is 404's for everyone else? I'm thinking this may be a mistake? Anyone else have any ideas?


Well who knows...


My Site is http://www.bargainbones.com


Thanks OSC group!

<? Hello There! ?>


I rather like the layout even if it is stock look ... the tones go well with the products and the buttons add flavor to the site ... :D


I like it! Can cats eat the shamrocks???? :lol:

[no external urls in signatures please, kthanks]


thanks for checking it out.


And the Shamrocks (and other novelty bones) are chopped rawhide so they are pretty hard...I guess it depends on whether you have a monster cat or not :wink:

<? Hello There! ?>


Maine coons are pretty big, but I don't think rawhide is on their diet!


http://loxly.com/maincoon.htm (site is under reconstruction)


I guess my point is your site is appealing to the shopper, I was actually looking around for something I could buy even though I don't have a dog!


That doesn't happen often :)

[no external urls in signatures please, kthanks]


A couple of things left to fix...stock cartoons in the corner of login.php, create account.


Add the category description contribution gets rid of "Look What We Have Here"


Paw print buttons are cute. Your theme is very well coordinated. It's clean and simple and easy to navigate. Good Job!!


I'm actually going to be using my own corner images as soon as I find time to make some so I agree with you there. Is there any more "business-like" ones in a contrib I should maybe use until then?


I'll check out that contrib :!: I was thinking about getting rid of that just didn't realize there was a contrib for it.


Thanks for the opinions...

<? Hello There! ?>




How 'bout using your paw prints until you figure something else out?


Which paw prints? The corner paw print on the default.php page?


I should change ALL pages to that print?

<? Hello There! ?>


Love the store and name. It actually made me feel hungry and my

stomach rumble! Weird!


As per usual the copyright is out of date!


I'm away to raid the fridge!



Oh no Jeff...if dog bones are making your stomach rumble..... :lol:


What do you mean the copyright is out of date? I'm keeping the "Powered By" in the footer?

<? Hello There! ?>

  Which paw prints? The corner paw print on the default.php page?


I should change ALL pages to that print?


Yes, the one that is on the default page is good. I think the paw print on all the pages would be great! JMHO



Yes, the one that is on the default page is good.  I think the paw print on all the pages would be great! JMHO


I'm visualizing that....I think I may like that...i may do just that!

<? Hello There! ?>


Great site.. I have bookmarked it. I have two 90 lb. Labradors so we go through a lot of dog treats around here. Your's are very reasonably priced and there is a good variety.


Overall, the color scheme of the site is good. I think the default layout of OSC is a little too cluttered but your colors help overcome that somewhat.


Next time we need "monster bones", I know where to look instead of running all over town to see if anyone just happens to have them in stock.

Great site.. I have bookmarked it. I have two 90 lb. Labradors so we go through a lot of dog treats around here. Your's are very reasonably priced and there is a good variety.


Next time we need "monster bones", I know where to look instead of running all over town to see if anyone just happens to have them in stock.


Well thanks Wayne Luke. Your business would alwys be welcome :wink:


Overall, the color scheme of the site is good. I think the default layout of OSC is a little too cluttered but your colors help overcome that somewhat.

Well i think I may take off the "New Products for ***" box at the bottom and add the main categories contrib to the part of the main page. Haven't decided yet.


thanks again..

<? Hello There! ?>


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