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how to create a Site Map page and have an XML file for google as well


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How does creating a site map work in OSC? I have a site Map page created for my site but no content in it. I don't know how to create that page also I dont know how to generate a XML file for google. Can anyone help me with that? All the sites I ever created had the site map page already configured. Basically I want to be able to list myself on google and have a site map page on my site. My site is www.bestmacdiscounts.com and here is my site map page code so far,


 $Id: shipping.php,v 1.22 2003/06/05 23:26:23 hpdl Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce

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 require(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . FILENAME_SITEMAP);

<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html <?php echo HTML_PARAMS; ?>>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo CHARSET; ?>">
<title><?php echo TITLE; ?> - <?php echo strip_tags($breadcrumb->trail(' ª ')); ?></title>
<base href="<?php echo (($request_type == 'SSL') ? HTTPS_SERVER : HTTP_SERVER) . DIR_WS_CATALOG; ?>">
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<!-- left_navigation_eof //-->
<!-- body_text //-->
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<ul id="breadcrumb">
       <li><a href="http://www.bestmacdiscounts.com" title="Home"><img src="images/home.png" alt="Home" class="home" /></a></li>
       <li><?php echo $breadcrumb->trail('   ')?></li>
 <div id="ddtabs1" class="basictab">
<li><!-- BEGIN ProvideSupport.com Text Chat Link Code -->
<div id="scdiKA" style="display:inline"></div><div id="sddiKA" style="display:none"></div><script type="text/javascript">var sediKA=document.createElement("script");sediKA.type="text/javascript";var sediKAs=(location.protocol.indexOf("https")==0?"https":"http")+"://image.providesupport.com/js/aelalfy1989/safe-textlink.js?ps_h=diKA&ps_t="+new Date().getTime()+"&online-link-html=Live%20Help&offline-link-html=Live%20Help";setTimeout("sediKA.src=sediKAs;document.getElementById('sddiKA').appendChild(sediKA)",1)</script><noscript><div style="display:inline"><a href="http://www.providesupport.com?messenger=aelalfy1989">Online Chat</a></div></noscript>
<!-- END ProvideSupport.com Text Chat Link Code --></li>
<li><a href="<?php echo tep_href_link('account.php')?>">Account</a></li>
<li><a href="<?php echo tep_href_link('shopping_cart.php')?>">Cart <?php echo $cart->count_contents()?><img src="images/cart.png" width="22" height="16" style="vertical-align:middle; border:0px;" /></a></li>
<DIV style="margin-top:8px">
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<? tep_draw_heading_top_4();?>

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				<td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
					<td class="main">
					<?php echo TEXT_INFORMATION; ?>

                       <!-- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE -->
				<td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>

					<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
						<td width="10"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '10', '1'); ?></td>
						<td align="right"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . tep_image_button('button_continue.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE) . '</a>'; ?></td>
						<td width="10"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '10', '1'); ?></td>


<?php tep_draw_heading_bottom_4();?>					

<?php tep_draw_heading_bottom();?>


<!-- body_text_eof //-->

<!-- body_eof //-->

<!-- footer //-->
<?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'footer.php'); ?>
<!-- footer_eof //-->
<?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'application_bottom.php'); ?>



Thank you in advance,


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Are those two the same contribution? i installed the first one how do i make an XML file now?



Thanks in advance


The second contribution will generate your XML sitemaps. Not sure if it will work without Ultimate SEO URLS though.

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Are those two the same contribution? i installed the first one how do i make an XML file now?



Thanks in advance

They are different. The second one, as Ashley pointed out, is for google sitemaps. They are both 100% compatible with Ultimate SEO providing you are using a version of Ultimate SEO named with V 2.2d.

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Hi Thanks for the help and happy new years to both of you guys. quick question. I'm not sure if Ultimate SEO was even installed. But I do notice that my pages have titles on my browser but my links are still not SEO friendly meaning it looks like this (http://www.bestmacdiscounts.com/product_info.php/products_id/68) yet my title for that page is proper. Is that Ultimate SEO? I had someone do that for me (web designer) now im doing the sitemap and creating the XML for google. And last but not least, I noticed the google XML contribution requires me to upload the .sql file to my phpmyadmin which i think i know how to do. also it requires me to set permission to some files here is the full instructions if someone can help


1) Upload all of the files in the catalog directory to the same location on your server.


2) Set the file permissions on the sitemap... files to the same settings on the images directory.


3) Run the included google_xml_sitemap_seo.sql file using phpmyadmin.


4) Go to admin->Configuration->Google XML SEO and set the options to your liking.


5) Go to http://YOUR_DOMAIN/googlesitemap/index.php, where YOUR_DOMAIN is your domain.

If the sitemaps fail to generate, then go to admin->Configuration->Google XML SEO

and switch to the alternate class and try again. If the maps still fail, enable

the diagnostic option in the settings and try again. If the error isn't obvious

at that point, post the problem, along with the diagnostic output in the support thread.


6) Follow the instructions on that page.


The support thread is at



I dont get step 1 and 2. step one is confussing because the stuff i downloaded from the contribution has a FOLDER that says "OriginalInstructions". Does that mean i have to upload the content of that folder as well? as for step 2. I dont know how to set up permission at all.

Thanks for the help in advance

Thank you in advance,


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Have a look at the tips given here to install Addons:



If your URLs still look like this:



then you do not have Ultimate SEO URLs or they are disabled in your Admin. Here is a link to that addon. Make sure your hosting server meets the requirements of the Addon before installing. Check with your hosting support if you are unsure:



The above install also has an extra feature that will generate your XML sitemaps for you.

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Hi Thanks for the help and happy new years to both of you guys. quick question. I'm not sure if Ultimate SEO was even installed. But I do notice that my pages have titles on my browser but my links are still not SEO friendly meaning it looks like this (http://www.bestmacdiscounts.com/product_info.php/products_id/68) yet my title for that page is proper. Is that Ultimate SEO?

No, that is due to the search engine friendly option being set in your admin. That should be turned off since it doesn't provide useful url's. It and Ultimate SEO (and any other url rewriter) won't affect your page title. Be sure to use the version I mentioned if you want complete compatibility.


I had someone do that for me (web designer) now im doing the sitemap and creating the XML for google. And last but not least, I noticed the google XML contribution requires me to upload the .sql file to my phpmyadmin which i think i know how to do. also it requires me to set permission to some files here is the full instructions if someone can help


1) Upload all of the files in the catalog directory to the same location on your server.


2) Set the file permissions on the sitemap... files to the same settings on the images directory.


I dont get step 1 and 2. step one is confussing because the stuff i downloaded from the contribution has a FOLDER that says "OriginalInstructions". Does that mean i have to upload the content of that folder as well? as for step 2. I dont know how to set up permission at all.

Step one says to upload the contents of the included catalog directory. Is the "OriginalInstructions" directory in the catalog directory? If it is, then you upload it. If it isn't you don't upload it.


Step varies with the host and your ftp program. If your host allows it, you can right click on the file using your ftp program and select change permissions or chmod. If not, you need to go into your hosts control panel to change them. Ask your host how to do that. It is easy but the directions vary with the control panel.

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Hey i cant set up the search friendly URL's to off because it will cause my links to break. Meaning if i set it off when i click in a product it will say it cant be found. id unno why. Also did u provide me with the proper Ultimate SEO? if now do you know where i can find it? Eveerything else you explained I understood


thank you,



Thank you in advance,


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Hey i cant set up the search friendly URL's to off because it will cause my links to break. Meaning if i set it off when i click in a product it will say it cant be found. id unno why. Also did u provide me with the proper Ultimate SEO? if now do you know where i can find it? Eveerything else you explained I understood

Turning off that option should cause any links to break unless you've hard-coded them. If that is the case, you've painted yourself into a corner because none of the url rewriters will work with such links, not to mention that they will cause problems with session ID's.


The version of Ultimate SEO I recommend is the one I mentioned.

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Hi jack,


I'm not sure why it breaks the link but i have installed the addon : ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 - by FWR Media

IT works somewhat here is how my link looks now. http://www.bestmacdiscounts.com/product_info.php/vmware-fusion-p-67. Which is better but not perfect. I haven't finished the addon installation. The next part I think allows me to rewrite the URL? Here is the installation step: I got up to the point where it says "The base install is complete .. you should now be able to visit your site and it will be producing "standard" seo urls." Right above the header that says "Database install" Anyways what do you think the cause of the link breaking? and what if the "use search friendly safe URL's" is turned on what is wrong with that feature? (just asking because I don't even know what it is)




If you are upgrading from the old series 2 by Chemo


Please go to the documentation in Upgrade_From_Series2.

If you are updating from a previous revision of USU5


Please go to the documentation in extras/usu5_updates.

New Installation


The uploads folder


Firstly upload the contents of the uploads folder maintaining the directory structure.

These are all new files and will not affect your existing osCommerce installation.


Two Types of install


There are two types of install.

Drop on Top

Manual install

Drop on Top


By far the easiest of the options. This option should only be used for fresh installs of osCommerce RC2a.

Drop on Top is what it suggests .. you simply drop the files on top of your osCommerce installation maintaining the directory structure.


Manual Install


Open the html file documentation/install_modify_files.html.

Modify the files as indicated by the instructions. There are only eight small changes to just seven files so this is easy and quick.




Using your FTP client or other chosen method ensure that the directory


is writeable .. this maybe 0755 or 0777 dependent on your server settings.

The base install is complete .. you should now be able to visit your site and it will be producing "standard" seo urls.


Database Install


Important: Close ALL browser windows to lose the session before directly running the installer. then ...

Run the file catalog/installer.php

You should receive a success message meaning that the database install is complete.


You MUST now remove the two installer files as listed below .. this is a major security risk.




Traditional Rewrite Type URIs


There are two types of seo urls - one is "standard" the other requires .htaccess RewriteRules .. they look as below: -

Standard Seo Urls (does not require mod_rewrite)


Traditional Rewrite Seo Urls (Requires mod_rewrite and RewriteRules added to .htaccess)


If you intend to use the traditional, rewrite type seo urls your server needs to have/be ..

Linux Server

mod_rewrite enabled

AllowOveride set to All

Code added to catalog/.htaccess

The code to add to catalog/.htaccess is in the file htaccess.txt .. BUT there is one simple setting to be aware of and this setting is dependent on where you have put the shop files so please pay attention here as many have made mistakes.


The code we will be changing is RewriteBase /catalog/ and you should change it based on the below examples of the url to reach your shop front: -


www.mysite.com/ (files are in root)

RewriteBase /

www.mysite.com/catalog/ (files are in a directory called catalog)

RewriteBase /catalog/

www.mysite.com/shop/catalog/ (files are two directories deep in shop/catalog)

RewriteBase /shop/catalog/

All done! Perhaps now would be a good time to read the operating instructions in documentation/operation.html

Thank you in advance,


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I'm not sure why it breaks the link but i have installed the addon : ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 - by FWR Media

That's not the one I recommended and I don't use it so I can't help you with it. But contribution-specific questions (any contribution) should be asked in the support thread for that contribution so you should post your question there.

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