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Altering Price Shown for Items with Differently-Priced Options


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This is a two-part question relating to items that vary in price based on the options that are selected. I work at a music store, so I'll use a real-life example from our e-commerce site. We have an item titled "Vic Firth Timpani Mallets". That product has 6 different types - T1, T2, T3, etc. -- and each type has a different price. I don't have the prices up right now, but let's say that the T1 timpani mallets cost $35, the T2 timpani mallets cost $40, and the T3 mallets cost $32. I entered the T1 price when creating the product, and then created an attribute set, which I used to set the other prices. When the product is viewed, the price shown above the item description is the T1 option price; the other options that have different prices show when the options are viewed. My questions are:


1) When viewing all items in a given product category, for items in which the price varies based on the option selected, can osCommerce show a message like "price varies" instead of showing the price of whatever option I happened to enter first? Going back to the example above, the item Vic Firth Timpani Mallets would appear (to a customer) to cost $35, when in fact it might cost more or less depending on which model is chosen.


2) Is there a way to make the price shown in the item view change to match the price of the option that is selected? Example: Next to Vic Firth Timpani Mallets it says $35. A person selects the T2 mallets. I want the $35 to change ("dynamically" if that's the right word) to $40 to reflect the customer's selection. I realize that the correct price shows up in the shopping cart in any case, so it's not a problem, but this would be a nice enhancement.


Thanks in advance for any advice.


- Denis

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Disclaimer: I'm not the one who actually does the coding; I'm just the "webmaster" who works with the web hosting/design company, so my technical knowledge with osCommerce is limited.


Having written that... I believe both modules you mentioned are already installed. I can control the sort order (so that it goes T1, T2, T3, etc.), and the actual price for each option does show, but only in the drop down selection box. What I'm talking about is having it appear next to the product name. Here's a link to the product to illustrate what I'm writing about: http://ellismusic.com/product_info.php?products_id=762

If you select T5, the price is $20, and that shows next to T5, but at the top it still shows $39 as the product price. The customer sees $20 only when the cart is viewed.


When searching for the modules you mentioned, I came across this one that sounds like it might do what I'm seeking: "Options - Price Update"


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