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The e-commerce.

Ugh!!! I HATE cgi, I LOVE php


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Changing servers is a NIGHTMARE. But I have discovered that moving php is EASY and moving cgi is NOT!!!


Not only do you have to change permissions, you have to change the perl location, you have change the application files to the new cgi-location, because of course from server to server these things are all different.


But to move the php stuff, you just MOVE it, and it WORKS!


I keep telling myself, I wish I had found php a year ago (like Linda did)!!!!





(apologizing in advance for any stress related snippiness)

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Darn... I missed and hit the cat... no, don't!.... I didn't mean it!!!!!!!


<hisssssss spitititititt sssssssssssssssss>


Whew, I'm back, the cat is locked up in the bedroom and I'm back at the computer.


NOTE TO SELF: Lock up cat before starting server move. Clip cat toenails just in case. Lock self in room with no breakables.



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New Chant, Ready? We need music, where's the musicians????






I feel better now.......





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I was never fond of those ... probably why I avoided really getting into the web coding side of life for so long ...


Then came osC and the magic of php ... 8)


Perhaps not in that order ... but you got the basic idea ...

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You all have convinced me too:




As soon as I get into my new house, I'm gonna burn my perl books. Better yet, I can sell them to amazon, so they can add them to their out dated computer books collection. :lol: :lol:



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Better late than never is a wonderful philosophy :lol:


But I have %**^^%%# programs that I paid lots of $$$ for, that I don't want anymore, but that are an integral part of 3 of my sites for the time being. They are all free services though, so after a while, when people get used to the new stuff, they will just have to get over it and so thier things again in the great, easy to use, php software that was FREE that will go more things easier and faster. How's that for a run on sentence?????????????????????????


(i'm going quietly mad... well... maybe not so quietly...... :twisted: )

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(I don't know either... I just program, I don't know names, except Harald and that a french guy developed nuke) :wink:

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Ummm... I just noticed my post count, didn't I just turn 300???  I must "talk" too much!!!


Keep it up Deb and you'll be catching up with Linda soon.... :lol: :lol:

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I think by the time loxly post 2000 more, Linda will have posted 3000 more. I don't even think Mattice is going to catch her.


And I will join loxly's club. I talk too much too. I'm finaly in the top ten and I think less than half is help. :oops:


:lol: :lol:



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I just hate the image of people wallowing out there going bald over things I have struggled with in the past ... or new things I have to figure out before I can supply a possible answer ...


Those are the ones that get to me ... where I have to research an answer as it is not obvious to me or not something I have tried etc.


I am a firm believer in: Making computers work for you ...


That is my company motto as a matter of fact ... so anything is possible, if you just think hard enough ... :oha:

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Maybe after I go through the zillion emails and msgs I am behind in ...


Besides being 1 year ago on osC/php ... yesterday was B-day ... and we did the party thing here with my family.


My neices helped my sister bake the cake ... now if we could just remember what the heck was that spice cake from my childhood that I loved so much ... and did not quite resemble this cake that they made ... :shock:


Someone changed the recipe over the years ... :(


But it was the thought that counted ... we shall have to start a cake quest to find the old cake recipe

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