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Moving orders from one database to another


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I have two installations of osC right now. One is a snapshot from some time in September, the other is MS1. The MS1 installation is a clean install. I need to move over all my orders from the old install to the new, but it looks as if the structure of the orders table is different. What should I do to make this work correctly?

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If you do a data backup of your old order tables (Make sure you do all of the order tables) with Complete inserts this will create insert statements for each order that name the field and what to place in there.


The difficult field is the comments field. This was moved from orders to orders_status_history


You can add a temp field to the new orders table to get this information then move it over to the orders_status_history table


Now when you import the info, the fields will fill in as they should and the new fields will be blank.


Next, You will not have in the orders table the billing info which is the main group of new fields.


This you could leave blank or manually update from the customers fields they kind of match them up if you look at their names.


Sounds simple eh? :shock:


Prior to doing this, do a good back up of everything.


Also, look in the EXTRAS folder as many of the updates have files that can be run to fix the data.


Look at both the orders and the pr21_to_pr22 folders and read through the code etc. to see what it is going to do.

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