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osCommerce not working - reinstall?


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It was working perfect after the install, but when switching over from a windoze to linux server, things got screwed up and now it does not work right. Didn't have anything set up, thank god, but will be working on my store shortly. I have a few questions.


1. Do I have to delete the database to do a fresh reinstall?

2. Should I have any problems on a reinstall?

3. Now that I am on a linux box, which files and folders should have what permissions so that I do not get hacked, etc.?


Thanks for the help!

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1) If you had nothing in the old store, then a fresh install might be a good idea.


2) You should have no problems with the reinstall as long as you follow each step. Be sure to create a 'blank' database using myphpadmin BEFORE you begin the install, OSC will ask for the database information during the install and create the tables using the 'blank'.


3) Linux is more secure than WIndows servers (in my personal opinion) so once you have the store running, check back to the security treads here on how to prevent your store from being hacked.




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It was working perfect after the install, but when switching over from a windoze to linux server, things got screwed up and now it does not work right. Didn't have anything set up, thank god, but will be working on my store shortly. I have a few questions.


1. Do I have to delete the database to do a fresh reinstall?

2. Should I have any problems on a reinstall?

3. Now that I am on a linux box, which files and folders should have what permissions so that I do not get hacked, etc.?


Thanks for the help!

This is a little confusing to me. When you install OS Commerce the database is NOT in the same file structure as the script files. You cannot simply copy the files from your windows machine to your linux machine and expect it to work. It won't have a db to look at. You must have a database on the linux machine already, unless you install from scratch.


Now, if you have a DB program running on the linux machine, you can create the database and then from a backup on your windows machine do a restore into the db on the linux machine, you can then just copy over all the script files.


This is the way to do it assuming you have customized your store. If you have not done any customizations then a fresh install on the linux machine is the way to go.


Or maybe I completely misread your post.

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I have installed OSC on Windows and Linux servers using the SAME php files that come with a standard download. The database, is still SQL. So, pull down the files using FTP, export the database and upload to the linux server and import the database. YES, this sound overly simplified and it probably is, there are always unexpected hic-ups to deal with but the concept is the same.



But, because Bob had a fresh install, I suggested he just upload a new copy to his linux server and go from there. No hic-ups that way.



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But, because Bob had a fresh install, I suggested he just upload a new copy to his linux server and go from there. No hic-ups that way.



You don't have to convince me. I fully understand the process. What I was not sure of is what the OP really did. It sounded to me like he had installed on a windows machine, got everything working just like he wanted it, then simply moved the files over to linux expecting it to work. Well it won't unless the db is there... THAT is what I was asking. Clarification from the OP on what he actually did...

Community Bootstrap Edition, Edge


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