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Website sending out spam emails


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Can someone please explaqin what needs to be done. The website I run (I am not a php programmer) appear to be sending out spam emails. I received this email yesterday - see below:


"I have received notification from elsewhere that your website is sending out spam. I was also able to obtain full email headers of one of these spam emails. After investigation, we have discovered the spams are being sent by a user in the US using a script .... /catalog/admin/mail.php (I dont want to give out the full web address).


I can see this script has not been altered in any way since 19 Aug 2008. This shows that your account has not been hacked (as in sabotaged scripts) but the spammer has taken advantage of an insecure script. My guess is that there is a more recent version of osCommerce which you need to update to. Until this has been done, we have suspended the website.


Can anyone please tell me where I can get hold of the latest script and which folder to add the script to on the server.


Any help appreciated.



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there are a number of areas that need fixing, do all the changes detailed here http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=313323



ps 2.2rc2a is the latest version for general use.



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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