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The e-commerce.

Where is the error log? (can not login)


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Hi guys,


I downloaded and installed oscommerce-3.0a5, WinVista. All went OK. The demo store shows up. And I created a regular customer account.


Now, I try to login using the regular customer account, strange, after I click the login, I am redirected back to the main page, which still asks me to sign in. And if I try to add anything to cart, it will say "Your Shopping Cart is empty!".


Strange, then I go to the admin/index.php page, and try to login using the admin/password I gave during installation, it does not login, and no error as well. It simply redirects me back to the admin login page.


What could be wrong? Any error log I can take a look? (I already checked the Apache log, no error there).



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