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one page checkout error unknown column :(


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1054 - Unknown column 'guest_account' in 'field list'


select customers_id, customers_firstname, customers_password, customers_email_address, customers_default_address_id, guest_account from customers where customers_email_address = '[email protected]' and guest_account='0'




i got this message when i went to checkout...

furthermore its not displaying a screen to checkout via guest account on the login.php page


how can i fix this?

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seems like a problem with login.php




// using guest_account with customers_email_address

$check_customer_query = tep_db_query( "select customers_id, customers_firstname, customers_password, customers_email_address, customers_default_address_id, guest_account from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_email_address = '" . tep_db_input($email_address). "' and guest_account='0'");



but thats what i have entered

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You added some code ("PWA"?) that makes use of a "guest_account" field in the "customers" table, but it appears that somewhere along the line you didn't run the SQL to actually add that field to the existing table. Or you did, but misspelled the name. Go into phpMyAdmin and look at the "structure" of the customers table. Is there a "guest_account" in there? Is it spelled (and capitalized) exactly that way? If it is misspelled, you can ALTER the table to change the field name to the correct one. If it isn't there at all, go back to the installation instructions and see what step you overlooked.


If all this checks out, and you do have guest_account in customers, are you sure you put it in the right table? If you have multiple databases, could you have updated the wrong one? If the field shows up in phpMyAdmin, there's no reason that it shouldn't immediately be seen by osC, unless it's in the wrong database. Could your hosting service have done a database restore from backup (wiping out your changed tables) without telling you? Go in and look at it again, to make sure that didn't happen.

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